Andy Hargreaves, Alan Boyle & Alma Harris UPLIFTING LEADERSHIP—How Organizations, Teams and Communities Raise Performance
Author's Thoughts:
Uplifting leaders:
- Dream with Determination in a moral fight for what they believe.
- Demonstrate Creativity and Counter-Flow to think in and outside of the box.
- Collaborate with Competitors to share innovation and to propel everyone forward.
- Push and Pull to build and develop shared ownership and responsibility.
- Measure what is Meaningful and what matters.
- Sustain Success for now and in the future.
- "Is the beating heart of effective leadership" (p. 3).
- "Is a collective force that leaders create together to raise everyone's prospects" (p. 4).
- "Is an "insatiable desire to learn along with the uncompromising demand for success (p. 6).
My Thoughts:
This is hard work to harness and harvest ones dreams. It requires an Uplifting Leaders to:
- Encouraging creativity but with a mindset to be innovative around what we know research tell us works.
- Engage in on-going collaborative conversations around what we can do together, not what we have no control over.
- Pushing forward with a belief in those doing the work and pulling them forward towards new thinking.
- Measure what matters most relentlessly and revisit it frequently to make our impact meaningful.
- Develop teachers as leaders to uplift all of our team leadership capacity.
Uplifting leaders make the dream into a sustainable reality for our students now and the ones who will join us.