Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bucket Filling

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? 


How Full is Your Bucket? 

Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer, FOR KIDS

I was first introduced to these “Bucket Filling” books at the beginning of our school year. An intermediate classroom teacher was reading one of these books to her students. I walked in for a quick walk through and noticed how intrigued each of the students were with this simple text. Observing student learning is one of my favorite aspects of my role as instructional leader and I was in awe of their responses and insights with the content of this books message.

This heartwarming book encourages students to have positive interactions with those around them and to express acts of kindness in words and deeds. More importantly it explains to them in simple prose why this thoughtfulness benefits others, but also themselves. “Bucket filling” and “dipping” are effective metaphors for understanding the effects of our actions and words on those we interact with.

The author expresses the purpose of her writing these books was “to teach young children how to be bucket fillers. As you read this book with children, use it as an opportunity to model bucket filling by filling their buckets. Tell them why they are special to you. Help them think about what they might say or do to fill someone else’s bucket.”

Word spread among teachers on the power of this book’s message and the majority of teachers read the book to their students and engage in this important conversation of being compassionate to others in words and deeds. I have been lucky enough to also read these books to students and they never cease to amaze me with their insights. I end our time together with the author’s words: “And, at the end of each day, ask yourself, “Did I fill a bucket today?” That is a question each of us can ask ourselves be we young or old.”