Hargreaves & Michael Fullan PROFESSIONAL CAPITAL—Transforming
Teaching in Every School
Where is there a match with Hargreaves & Fullan’s thinking
for my work as a school leader?
This was the question just recently asked in my
educational leadership class as we finished Hargreaves & Fullan’s book Professional
Capital. The content of my answer provides a quick summary of the book’s
content, which provides clear thinking for those who are engaged in
transforming teaching and learning in your school.
As a school leader facilitating a large federally funded
school improvement grant my immediate focus in on student achievement. In order
to create an equitable platform for learning, evidence based systems needed to
be established and implemented based on what works research. Mandates from the
top down are always in the forefront of my thinking.
Although in order to facilitate the change needed for each
student to achieve their grade level outcome goals, it became evident rather
quickly this was not possible for one principal to achieve alone. What I
learned early on, aligned with Hargreaves and Fullan’s work on the value and
importance of developing the professional capital of teachers and staff. They
listed several guidelines that connected everything back to the student, which
as John Hattie would say is an impactful practice.
In chapter seven, the first recommendation they suggested
for school and district leaders was to develop professional capital vigorously and courageously. In order to
reach our ultimate goal of equitable and sustainable student achievement, we
needed to develop a culture that values collective collaboration rather than
individual attempts. To begin we created a school leadership team as our first
step of shared ownership on our school improvement journey.
With the development of a school leadership team we utilized
the talents and skills of individual teachers. Team members were selected for
their willingness to reflect on their impact on student learning, and enthusiasm
for equitable achievement for each of our students. They were willing to change systems and
routines to create a student centered learning environment. Hargreaves and
Fullan define human capital as “having and developing the requisite knowledge
and skills” (pg. 89). Together we are learning we are more effective together
than with individual efforts.
Next we had to learn to work together as a group, and
develop our own social capital. Norms and protocols were part of our process
and we learned to listen and observe the skills and knowledge of each other.
Together we are focusing on what is needed to create a sustainable system
focused on student learning and ownership. This continues to be the hardest
part of our journey together. Change is hard. Moving away from what we know and
have always done takes courage. Learning for teachers and leaders is messy, and
calls for owning our own biases and ineffectiveness. “Learning is the work, and
social capital is the fuel” (p. 92).
Finally, we make decisions collectively. With high stakes
accountability as our framework, this continues to be our most difficult challenge.
The ultimate goal is to change the trajectory of learning for our school system
and build sustainability for our future. “Our decisional capital is enhanced by
drawing on the insights and experiences of colleagues in forming judgement over
many occasions” (pg. 94). Making the leadership team part of the decisional
capital has had the biggest impact to date on our school learning
“Culture trumps strategy” (Bill Daggett, 2016). A culture
with professional capital that includes the convergence of human, social, and decisional
capital can create a school community where teachers and leaders are valued and
respected for their individual skills and expertise. Teachers have a voice and
can speak to support the collective to make decisions. This not only impacts
student learning, but teachers as professionals. This is not to say we do not
have challenges or great obstacles to achieve, or even have perfect union. It
does say we understand we get to do this work together.
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